The IUPHAR Committee on Receptor Nomenclature and Drug Classification (NC-IUPHAR) regularly publishes review articles and commentaries on varied topics in pharmacology. NC-IUPHAR nomenclature reports are published in the journal Pharmacological Reviews, and, since 2011, NC-IUPHAR also publishes reviews on other subjects in the British Journal of Pharmacology.
Other articles by NC-IUPHAR or database team members are sometimes published in other journals and we maintain a list of relevant articles below. Database articles describing the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY (GtoPdb) and its previous incarnation, IUPHAR-DB, are listed at the bottom of the page.
N.B. A general PubMed query with the keywords International[Title] AND Union[Title] AND Pharmacology[Title] returns some additional IUPHAR publications in other journals, most of which are attributable to the IUPHAR Clinical Pharmacology Section.
For the NC-IUPHAR website, please following this link: