Aims of IUPHAR Subcommittee for Global Health Pharmacology and Therapeutics
- Maintain a well-functioning Subcommittee in the Clinical Division of IUPHAR focusing on supporting the development of research, teaching and clinical services (such as drug information, continuous medical education in Rational Use of Medicines, involvement in Drug and Therapeutics Committees (DTC) and laboratory and clinical consultancies) in developing and emerging countries.
- Support and help to develop networks of clinical pharmacologists and pharmaco-therapeutic experts that share experiences in research, teaching and clinical services such as:
- clinical drug studies, clinical trials and drug utilisation/pharmacoepidemiology
- interactive teaching
- including distance learning
- therapeutic drug monitoring laboratories.
- development and dissemination of guidelines using electronic media and internet
- drug evaluation
- Assist in strengthening the teaching of clinical pharmacology in developing countries in collaboration with national academic institutions and scientific associations and support development of relevant course material.
- Liaise with other relevant international and national organizations who share the vision to promote RUM and scientifically sound clinical research with high ethical standards and promote collaboration between members of IUPHAR associations and research and clinical groups in developing and emerging countries.
The email address for the Global Health Pharmacology and Therapeutics Subcommittee is