- Newsletters
The newsletter, Pharmacology International, is published every June and December. It reports on latest developments within IUPHAR and offers opportunities for member societies to share information about their organizations and meetings. Click here to access the issues.
- NC-IUPHAR Reports/Compendia/Guidelines
- The IUPHAR Receptor and Ion Channel Database is a major on-line repository of characterization data for receptors and drugs, as part of the GuideToPharmacology, a joint venture with the British Pharmacological Society.Official Reports from the IUPHAR Committee on Receptor Nomenclature and Drug Classification are published in Pharmacological Reviews and other prominent journals. A full list of all the nomenclature publications and compendia is available at http://www.GuideToPharmacology.org/nciupharPublications.jsp.Nomenclature Guidelines for authors may be accessed at http://www.GuideToPharmacology.org/nomenclature.jsp.
- Clinical Pharmacology Division Publications
- During 2012 the Clinical Pharmacology Division authored an authoritative assessment of Clinical Pharmacology in Health Care, Teaching and Research, which was published by the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences, in conjunction with the World Health Organization.During 2004 the Clinical Division produced the exhaustive guide entitled, IUPHAR Compendium of Basic Principles for Pharmacological Research in Humans 2004, which is still being consulted today.
- IUPHAR Meeting Reports
- Minutes from IUPHAR Executive Committee meetings are publically available to interested parties on the Meetings Reports webpage.In addition to the above publications, mnutes from the Clinical Pharmacology Division business meetings are available to the public on the Clinical Pharmacology Division Reports & Publications webpage.Meeting reports specific to IUPHAR Sections and Subcommittees will be found under the “Reports” tab of their websites.