IUPHAR is proud to announce the second annual World Smart Medication Day on the 5 May 2022 to foster clinical pharmacology development and raise awareness on the safer and more effective use of drugs.
Unsafe medication practices and medication errors are a leading cause of injury and avoidable harm in healthcare systems worldwide.
Clinical Pharmacology is a key discipline for managing these drug-related problems.
2022 Theme: Clinical Pharmacology in the Era of Pandemics
The opportunity to highlight key messages on drug development, clinical drug research, warnings on self-medication and stopping medicines, medication errors, drug interactions and adverse drug reactions, pharmacovigilance, off label/compassionate drug use, supply management, misleading claims and fraud.
International Student Poster Competition
Countries are encouraged to carry out joint actions and activities on May 5th to highlight the importance of safe and rational use of drugs such as: educational seminars/webinars, hospital events/stalls, grand rounds. LEARN MORE >

All time CET.
12.30: Welcome Adress: Professor Ingolf Cascorbi, IUPHAR President
12.35: Plenary Lecture : Professor Duncan Richards ‘Clinical Pharmacologists and the UK response to COVID-19’
13.05: African Perspective: Professor Shaibu O. Bello, Clinical Pharmacologist Involvement in Task Forces in Africa
13.15: Latin America Perspective: Professor Mauro Teixeira, The Federal University of Minas Gerais
13.25: Questions & Answers
13.40: International Student Poster Competition Winners Presentation
13.45: 4×3 min Winner Presentations
14.00: Final Conclusions: Professor Michael Spedding, IUPHAR Secretary General
Other World Smart Medication Day Events
Brazilian Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (SBFTE) – More Info >
What is IUPHAR?
The International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (IUPHAR), founded in 1965, is a voluntary, non-profit association representing the interests of scientists in pharmacology-related fields to facilitate better medicines and improve health through pharmacology education and research worldwide. It also has an official relation with the World Health Organisation. IUPHAR has 58 member societies, it represents about 37,000 pharmacologists around the world.
The aims of the Clinical Division of IUPHAR are to advance the development of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics.
What is a Clinical Pharmacologist?
Clinical pharmacology is the scientific discipline that involves all aspects of the relationship between medications and humans. The term ‘clinical pharmacologist’ is used to refer to physicians who are specialists in clinical pharmacology. They have undertaken several years of postgraduate training in many aspects of the above relationship involving teaching, research and healthcare. Such clinical pharmacologists have as their primary goal that of improving patient care, directly or indirectly, by developing better medicines and promoting the safer and more effective use of drugs.