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The current officers of the IUPHAR Division on Clinical Pharmacology were elected by the Division Assembly at the XVIIIth World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (WCP2018) in Kyoto, Japan in July 2018. The Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary-General, and Treasurer are ex officio members of the IUPHAR Executive Committee.

IUPHAR Governance
Caroline Samer
Chair ( and WHO liaison officer
Geneva, Switzerland
Unit of Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Therapy
Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology
University Hospitals of Geneva (HUG)
Matthew Doogue Matt Doogue
Christchurch, New-Zealand
University of Otago
Nilima Kshirsagar
New Delhi, India
National Chair Clinical Pharmacology, India Council of Medical Research
María Isabel Lucena
Málaga, Spain
University of Málaga and Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Victoria
School of Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology Service
David Le Couteur
Past Chair
Sydney, Australia
Concord Clinical School & ANZAC Research Institute
Centre for Education and Research on Ageing
University of Sydney, Australia
Members: Sarah Hilmer, Australia
David Webb, UK
Wei Wei, China
Olayinke Ogunleye Nigeria
Guido Mannaioni, Italy
Hiroshi Watanabe, Japan
Jae Gook Shin, South Korea
Jamie Coleman, UK
Mahmoud Khayyal, Egypt