Achievements of IUPHAR since WCP2018 in Kyoto, Japan Reflections of the Executive Committee 2018-2022
This article summarizes, major achievements what IUPHAR has achieved since the establishment of the new executive committee at the Kyoto Word Conference of Pharmacology in 2018. Moreover, members of the executive committee (EC) briefly describe their challenges and successes and how IUPHAR can help the global IUPHAR community. Publications created under by IUPHAR committees since June 2018 are listed in the appendix.
Ingolf Cascorbi (President) and Michael Spedding (Secretary General) on behalf of the Executive Committee
Governance Changes
A considerable effort has been put into a governance review involving all IUPHAR stakeholders and external advice. Subsequently the governance of IUPHAR was significantly improved increasing the effectivity and productivity of the executive committee by reducing size, clarifying roles (with corresponding responsibilities) and make the work more transparent by increasing the interplay with and services for member societies. The election process was considerably revised and half of the EC will be changed after two years. By definition, reducing the size of the EC may reduce total global representation that however is an important objective of IUPHAR. Therefore, the new EC will remedy possible underrepresentation of regions or specific interest areas by co-opting members on the EC. The new statutes and the operating manual are available on
As a major change from earlier governance, IUPHAR appointed the company Parthenon LCC (Brentwood, TN, USA) in order to perform and support IUPHAR administration; Jesse Howard is the current IUPHAR executive officer. A major achievement was the renewal of the IUPHAR’s web site.
The new IUPHAR executive committee developed a Strategic Plan with defined Vision, Mission Statements and Core Values:
IUPHAR Clinical Division Achievements
Chair: Caroline Samer
I feel that the Clinical Division has succeeded in putting in place many activities to improve the visibility and recognition of clinical pharmacology worldwide, bringing a certain dynamism and enthusiasm to see the discipline develop. The World Smart Medication Day was a great success, and it was particularly exciting to see the creativity and interest of the students to participate.
For the future, the IUPHAR Clinical and Translational Pharmacology section will have to work in close collaboration with the other sections, and subsections, in particular with the ECRs, representing the future of our discipline.
- Renewal as NGO to World Health Organisation (WHO); contribution to the WHO 3rdGlobal safety challenge (“Medication without harm”) and technical input for WHO documents
- Partnership with Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) for Drug-Induced liver Injury DILI, possible extension to natural products and to severe cutaneous adverse drug reactions
- Education:Numerous symposia/courses were organised (Brazil, India, Sweden, China, Italy, Nigeria)
- Geriatric pharmacology curriculum for medical students proposed
- The clinical pharmacology mentoring centres were reviewed (total 7), these centres give advice on clinical pharmacology.
- Input on WHO medication safety curriculum guide
- Translation IUPHAR/WHO/CIOMS Clinical Pharmacology Manifesto to Russian
- Ongoing: Introduction of a new item; World survey for collecting information on clinical pharmacology postgraduate training programs worldwide and launching the ‘World Smart Medication Day’ in 2021, a yearly event to promote the visibility of clinical pharmacology worldwide, which attracted wide international interest with international student poster competition and IUPHAR webinar, as well as complementary events organized by member societies.
- Coordinating the position statement “IUPHAR Clinical Division considerations in the context of COVID-19 pandemic”, which provided guidance at the international level on drug evaluation and use throughout the pandemic.
- Coordination of several IUPHAR sponsored symposia accepted for the World Congress of Pharmacology in Glasgow in 2023.
- Increasing social media visibility through the IUPHAR Twitter account.
NC-IUPHAR and Database Achievements
NC-IUPHAR Chair: Steve Alexander • Database Chair: Jamie Davies
The IUPHAR/BPS guidetopharmacology is a flagship activity of NC-IUPHAR. IUPHAR has continuously invested in developing a database of drug targets and ligands that aims to be the premier resource for pharmacological information for a range of key constituencies. IUPHAR in collaboration with BPS have continued the development of the Concise Guide to Pharmacology with two full issues (2019/20 and 2021/22) developed by Steve Alexander, the Edinburgh PI, Jamie Davies, and the Edinburgh curators, together with over 300 Editors and consultants. These open access publications have accumulated ~2 500 citations. In addition, NC-IUPHAR subcommittees have 10 and 12 reviews in Pharmacol Rev and Br J Pharmacol, respectively.
The has been awarded the Hidden Ref award, a very prestigious award for databases which are of great public service.
IUPHAR in collaboration with Medicines for Malaria Venture (funded by the Gates Foundation) have finalized the Guide to Malaria Pharmacology which summarizes the drugs and therapeutic opportunities being pursued in the field of malaria. This has been performed under the aegis of Jane Armstrong and Jamie Davies, at Edinburgh.
NC-IUPHAR have continued to hold twice-yearly meetings through the pandemic, albeit online rather than in person in Paris. These meetings combine discussions of the business of NC-IUPHAR and the team, as well as scientific talks from global experts on particular aspects of pharmacology. Amrita Ahluwalia (William Harvey Institute and Queen Mary University of London) recorded a keynote lecture dedicated to Paul Vanhoutte on the “The non-canonical pathway for NO: NO3–, NO2– NO”, available to watch on YouTube.
IUPHAR Education Section
Chair: Clare Guilding
Clare Guilding has taken over as chair after the untimely death of Liz Davies who passed away on October 26th 2021.
A major initiative of the section is the Pharmacology Education Project (PEP). It is intended to support those who are just starting to get to grips with the worlds of pharmacology and clinical pharmacology. It is an increasingly used global educational resource as can be seen from the web-page access over the last five years.
In 2021, the IUPHAR Education Section endorsed and adopted the Core Concepts in Pharmacology project. The project aims to transform pharmacology education by coming to agreement about the fundamental ideas that all pharmacology graduates should remember, understand and apply years after they graduate. A key outcome of the project will be to develop a validated concept inventory that educators can use to determine whether their students have attained the core concepts of our discipline. Over 250 pharmacology educators from 22 countries have contributed to the project so far. The first stage of the project, identifying 25 core concepts is finished and the resultant paper is written and awaiting publication.
The Education Section ran a webinar through PEP in 2021, led by Liz Davis: IUPHAR Meeting: Future Proofing Pharmacology Education | Pharmacology Education Project. In 2022 they ran a hybrid Concept-based pharmacology education workshop in Prato, Italy, and online, led by Paul White and Clare Guilding. Train the trainers courses have been performed by IOSP animal use and husbandry in India, Africa and China by David Lewis.
IUPHAR Natural Products Section
Chair: Valérie Schini-Kerth & Co-chair: Guanhua Du
Since the 2014 WCP meeting in Cape Town, IUPHAR has prioritized evidence-based drugs discovery for natural products and has set up 9 meetings on the subject, including the World Congress of Pharmacology in Hyderabad, supported by the Indian Pharmacological Society, which was a great success (Dinesh Kumar and M Spedding). A subdivision of the guidetopharmacology defines natural products that have clearly defined mechanisms of action. The Italian Pharmacology Society has set up a group dedicated to Mediterranean Natural Products group with the major nations around the Mediterranean – they organized a highly successful meeting in 2022, at Naples. The Chinese Pharmacological Society has been very active and IUPHAR and CNPHARS are negotiating a mechanism to support evidence-based medicine. A major review for criteria to define natural products which may have immunomodulating effects has been coordinated by Cherry Wainwright (see Wainwright et al. Pharmacol Res 2022).
Early Career Researcher (ECR) Committee
Chair: Aisah Aubdool
The IUPHAR ECR Committee was established in 2019, consisting of 12 ECRs across the world including representatives from UK, USA, Spain, South Africa, Nigeria, Egypt, Italy, Brazil, Singapore, Malaysia, Sweden and Australia. Please refer to our online webpage for details on ECR members. This committee worked altogether to provide a voice for early career pharmacologists to the IUPHAR Executive Committee. It provided a means for early career pharmacologists to engage with IUPHAR and other pharmacological member societies. The IUPHAR ECR Committee worked very closely with the executive committee on various tasks including communications (webpage, social media platform), IUPHAR newsletter (e.g. IUPHAR International, IUPHAR News), governance matters, attending conferences (e.g. World Laureate Association) and other IUPHAR meetings (e.g. NC-IUPHAR, BPS Meetings). This has enabled the committee to provide advice to the IUPHAR executive committee on matters concerning early career pharmacologists.
We started our term by conducting a survey worldwide for ECR to identify areas where ECRs worldwide are struggling and identify that mentoring and networking were two key issues. To allow networking to take place amongst ECRs worldwide during the COVID-19 pandemic, the IUPHAR ECR Committee set up online seminars covering different topics such as career pathways, funding opportunities, postdoctoral training, and drug & development, with a range of speakers at different stages of their careers. These sessions were well-attended, with good interactions amongst ECRs and we received some valuable feedback. Promoting and developing activities for early career pharmacologists is key and we hope there are more forthcoming events with the new ECR Committee.
These online webinars facilitated cross society interactions of early career pharmacologists and we soon realized that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected many ECRs worldwide. We have conducted a second survey (Case Study Survey) worldwide and have now identified various struggles facing early career pharmacologists. This large set of acquired data acquired still requires thorough analysis through the help of IUPHAR’s executive committee and perhaps the new IUPHAR Executive Committee. Funding for ECRs in terms of their career progression is very important in academia and we hope in the future, IUPHAR will be able to support ECRs worldwide by providing small seeding grants whether for their research or public engagement tasks.
The IUPHAR ECR Committee is also working very closely with the World Congress of Pharmacology 2023 (WCP2023) organizing committee on various tasks to prepare activities, workshops and meetings for ECRs at the congress. They have contributed to setting up travel grants, fundraising plans to assist ECRs travel funds and organizing activities such as logo competition to involve ECRs in the planning of WCP2023. More information can be found on the ECR Page of the WCP2023 webpage where all updates will be posted.
We are very proud of our achievements as a group but would have preferred a more interactive ECR group members and frequent discussions with the President of IUPHAR. There are many tasks (e.g. blogging, online interviews) which have not been completed and were not able to be posted on our ECR page online. However, we have managed to publish a few ‘Researcher’s Spotlight’ articles in IUPHAR publications and were hoping to archives/publish this on the website. There is still a lot work to be done by ECRs to increase the awareness of pharmacology worldwide. The current committee also supports that the future ECR team should consider engaging in public engagement activities to educate the public worldwide on topics related to pharmacology, probably through newsletters and/or blogs.
Overarching Activities of IUPHAR
IUPHAR created a data resource on pharmacological treatment options of SARS-CoV2 based on its guidetopharmacology webpage and created a roadmap for drug discovery, in the first months of the pandemic – it is one the most down-loaded articles in BJP (see Alexander et al. Br J Pharmacol 2020). The Clinical Division published a statement on “Warnings on self-medication and stopping medicines”. In December 2021 Michael Spedding and Francesca Levy-Schaffer published a condensed Brief Update on Omicron that can be retrieved on our webpage. We have also obtained a meetings grant to define links between glycosphingolipid metabolism, COVID-19 and neurodegeneration.
Agreement with Pharmacological Research
IUPHAR made an agreement with Elsevier to have Pharmacological Research (Editor-in-Chief Emilio Clementi) as a preferred journal to publish non-NC-IUPHAR related publications. We are grateful to Jim Barrett for his help and to recruit Alvin V. Terry as Editor of IUPHAR-related issues. This will not influence our ongoing relationships between IUPHAR and Pharmacological Reviews, and British Journal of Pharmacology.
Support of Meetings
The All Africa Pharmacology Congress was supported by IUPHAR with additional speakers and an educational grant: this meeting was the first virtual pharmacological meeting in Africa with ~300 attendees, 3 parallel session and poster sessions – a great success. IUPHAR has also contributed sessions to many other national pharmacology society meetings (e.g. Spanish, Argentinian, Brazilian, Italian, British, German, Indian (multiple), Chinese, etc..). Thus, IUPHAR has organized multiple webinars, including ECR webinars, with participation and organization of speakers in multiple countries, and societies who wish to collaborate should contact us.
Evidently, the Kyoto IUPHAR World Congress with the Japanese society was a major success, and we look forward to the IUPHAR WCP2023 with BPS, and IUPHAR WCP2026 with ASCEPT.
The IUPHAR world congress of natural products, Hyderabad, was also a great success with ~800 attendees.
Memorandum of Understanding with Karolinska Institute
- Pilot budget program for start of addressing academic drug discovery around the world.
- Pilot budget program for start for developing PK/PD App, support of clinical pharmacology in Africa.
Regional Activities
Latin America
Thanks to the coordinator Guilherme Suarez-Kurtz there are increasing contacts with Latin-American pharmacological societies and so far two web-based meetings took place to discuss mutual activities in the areas of education, clinical pharmacology and pharmacology of natural products.
IUPHAR tightens its activities with the European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (EACPT) and was present on the EACPT 2022 congress in Athens. Moreover mutual activities have been agreed with the Federation of European Pharmacology Societies EPHAR.
Personal Statements of Executive Committee Members
Professor Francesca Levi-Schaffer
2014-2018 IUPHAR (1st Vice-President and Chair, ImmuPhar Section)
As First Vice-President (position eliminated in new IUPHAR governance) and as Chair of the Immunopharmacology (ImmuPhar) Section (now Committee):
Immuphar Achievements:
- Alliance with International Union of Immunological Sciences (IUIS), Immunopharmacology meeting to launch a success (22 countries on zoom).
- IUIS’ Immunopaediaincorporated in PEP. COVID immunopharmacology included in guide.
- Linked the world’s pharmacology societies’ responses to COVID-19, NC-IUPHAR updates on drugs and sites. IUPHAR review on SARS-CoV-2. Chinese clinical experience shared worldwide via zoom.
- Statement from the IUPHAR Clinical in response to COVID-19 pandemics
- A Young Investigators Sub-Committee was created within ImmuPhar.
- Social Media: In addition to the already established ImmuPhar website, the Young Investigator’s subcommittee launched and has maintained Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages/accounts
- ImmuPhar Executive Committee members have participated and contributed to NC-IUPHAR as well as contributed to a publication with the Natural Products Section.
- ImmuPhar has collaborated with: 1) IUIS through an IUIS/IUPHAR – ImmuPhar Task Force; 2) Immunopharmacology Task Force of EAACI; 3) AllergoOncology Task Force of EAACI.
- WCP2023: Four proposals of ImmuPhar were selected for presentation as symposiums in Glasgow.
- Executive Committee members have been invited speakers representing the Section at various national societies and other scientific meetings including organizing a symposioum entitled “Immunopharmacological Management of COVID-19” at the British Pharmacology Society’s Pharmacology 2021
- As First Vice-President: Started to coordinate communications and interactions among different IUPHAR Sections
- In general (for all of IUPHAR): Due to the COVID pandemic, there has been an increased use of zooms, webinars, etc. communication which makes it easier for people to participate/attend meetings, workshops, lectures, etc. which they might have been unable to attend in person.
- Publications are listed below.
- Coordinate and help to increase interactions and collaborations among various IUPHAR committees.
- ImmuPhar would like to liaise with Education Committee about approaching UNESCO to organize a week-long course in 3rd world countries on immunopharmacology and pharmacology.
- Tentative plan to organize an ImmuPhar webinar on “International Immunopharmacology”
- ImmuPhar Young Investigator’s Subcommittee would like to organize training seminars, conferences and summer schools on various topics of immunopharmacology
- A review paper is being prepared on glucocorticoids in COVID-19.
- Continue ImmuPhar contact and collaboration with Natural Products, the Mediterranean Group on NPs, etc.
- Section’s COST Action proposal was not approved.
- Social media although up and running is still not attracting enough viewers
Professor David Webb, UK
IUPHAR Councilor (2018-2022)
What I have contributed to IUPHAR (2018-2022):
- I have been an active member of IUPHAR Executive Committee, fully engaged in its discussions
- I have been an active member of the Clinical Section, after Caroline Samer took over from me as Chair and until Prof Reecha Sofat (Liverpool) took over my role.
- As immediate Past President of BPS, I encouraged BPS (under Prof Steve Hill’s Presidency) to hold a highlevel meeting at WCP2018 with IUPHAR to discuss alignment of its interests with those of the national societies (ASPET, JPS and SIF also contributed). This was a constructive meeting, which has been repeated and led to broader and regular ‘Town-Hall’ meetings with a range of national societies.
- I led a major governance review as President of BPS, and the same British expert who supported BPS undertook a substantial governance review for IUPHAR. I was actively involved in this review using experience gained in BPS
- A major part of my work within IUPHAR has been on WCP2023, as President, with Prof Amrita Ahluwalia as Secretary General, who will take over my role related to WCP2023 within IUPHAR Executive. With IUPHAR, and our International Scientific Committee, I believe we have put together an outstanding international programme, with strong keynote lectures, opportunities for world-class symposia, workshops and debates and an important focus on diversity, and (working with the IUPHAR ECR Chair (Aisah Aubdool) providing strong support and encouragement for ECRs, and those coming from resource-limited countries. We believe there is a strong appetite for a global face-to-face meeting and look forward to welcoming a large number of delegates to WCP2023 Glasgow next summer.
- I have undertaken outreach and educational work on behalf of IUPHAR:
- IUPHAR-SIF joint round table on the medication without harm and the 3rd WHO global patient
- safety challenges (Chair and Discussant)
- IUPHAR-CNPHARS Clinical Pharmacology Training Courses with sessions over two weeks in
- Beijing and Kunming (trainers were Profs Nilima Kshirsagar Caroline Samer & David Webb)
- IUPHAR-IPS joint meeting (51st annual conference of IPS and 5th IUPHAR World Congress on the
- Pharmacology of Natural Products, Hyderabad, India (Speaker on “Can traditional medicines
- deliver on their potential in Western countries?”
- I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as a member of the Executive Committee of IUPHAR, with involvement in IUPHAR that started before the Beijing WCP in 2006. I wish the new IUPHAR Executive Committee all best wishes for a successful future.
Nilima Kshirsagar
Clinical Representative on Executive Committee
As a member of EC and secretary general of the clinical division, we were constrained on account of the COVID situation There was a lot that could be done for COVID such as highlighting the role of clinical pharmacologists world over in tackling COVID
- Future improvements
One of the important improvements possible in future is better contact with the members viz the Pharmacological societies and their clinical divisions ..Now that we are past the Pandemic ,we could try for better communication with the member societies. Some of the major societies could be requested to organize with help from IUPHAR secretariat, MONTHLY OR ONCE IN TWO MONTHS OR QUARTERLY EVENT, of webinars involving all member societies in the region, this will help getting connected and give visibility to IUPHAR. IUPHAR is a global organization with many important contributions in the past years, It should have good representation from societies and experts in different regions ,specifically in providing training, research opportunities, mentorship. Its website should be a source of such information.
Professor Guilherme Suarez-Kurtz
IUPHAR Councilor (2018-2022)
- I chaired IUPHAR´s Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics Section (2014-2018).
- I have been an active member of IUPHAR Executive Committee (2018-2022), fully engaged in its discussions.
- I contributed actively to IUPHAR´s initiative to promote interaction among Latin American Societies of Pharmacology. My contribution included:
- Participation in the Latin American Society meetings in January and April 2021.
- Coordinating online symposia with speakers from Argentina, Brazil, Cuba and Chile as well as IUPHAR´s President and General Secretary during the Annual Congresses of the Brazilian and the Argentinian Societies of Pharmacology (2021).
- Elaborating a document comprising possible initiatives towards integration of the Latin American Societies, which was distributed to the Latin American Member Societies (2022).
My recommendations regarding IUPHAR´s Latin America initiative include:
- Appoint a Latin American pharmacologist to collaborate with the new Executive Committee towards continuity and expansion of the Latin America initiative.
- Explore/expand collaboration and joint initiatives not only with the Latin American Member Societies, but also with other regional (e.g. National Academies of Sciences) and international institutions (e.g. International Science Council).
- Offer and/or support educational initiatives in pharmacology topics that are especially relevant and/or poorly developed in Latin America (e.g. Clinical Pharmacology).
- Stimulate the creation/development of research networks focused on specific pharmacological domains.
Prof Helen O. Kwanashie
IUPHAR Councilor (2018-2022)
A brief description of my contributions to IUPHAR from 2018 to 2022
As a Councilor on the 2018-2022 IUPHAR Executive Committee, I participated fully in the various discussions that took place at meetings during the period.
- In particular, I played an active role in the IUPHAR Governance Review including co-leading (with Dr Carl White, former Early Career Researcher (ECR) Committee Chair), the Education and Communications Sub-committee.
- As Secretary of IUPHAR-Ed, I understood firsthand, the core position Education should occupy in the new IUPHAR Governance structure, advocating for its separation from Communications. This eventually led to its enhanced visibility by being changed from an IUPHAR-Education Section to a full-fledged Division with its Chair statutorily represented on the IUPHAR Executive Committee.
- I also spearheaded the creation of Basic and Translational Pharmacology Division (to exist alongside its Clinical Pharmacology counterpart) within IUPHAR as it should be. Prior to this time, there was only Clinical Pharmacology Division as a visible entity.
- I made very significant contributions in identifying the interests, needs, opportunities as well as responsibilities of pharmacologists from resource-limited countries through interphasing with leaders of member societies in Africa on the platform of Pharmacology for Africa (PharfA). Along with counterpart contributions obtained majorly through representations from Asia, these contributions largely resulted in the creation of the two Member-at-large positions, as well as separations of their roles.
- Working with IUPHAR Secretary-General (Prof Michael Spedding) and others (e.g. Dave Lewis), I was actively involved in rallying PharfA leadership to successfully
- host the 7th All Africa Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, as a 100% virtual conference, from 15th to 17th September 2021, with its hub in Nairobi, Kenya and with Prof Anastasia N. Guantai as LOC Chair.
- develop and submit workshop, symposia and debate proposals for WCP2023 some of which were accepted and have been included in the final programme.
- organize several meetings geared towards strengthening PharfA as an initiative to advance Pharmacology on the African continent and enhance its contributions to IUPHAR; with elections of new PharfA leaders slated for later this year, 2022.
- Despite the above successes, there were some challenges here and there, the most important of which was unstable network and internet connectivity from my end.
- My recommendations for the future and how IUPHAR Exco can help the global IUPHAR community, include:
- a closer working relationship between the Members-at-large and PharfA that will lead to greater contributions to, and participation by African Pharmacologists in IUPHAR.
- more financial support of pharmacology programmes in resource-limited countries in general.
- deliberate implementation of EDI principles within IUPHAR structures, programmes and activities.
Yoshikatsu Kanai
2nd Vice President of IUPHAR
Yoshikatsu Kanai, as a second vice president of IUPHAR, was involved in various aspects of governance reform, which was a major issue for IUPHAR-EC this term. He also made efforts to bridge the achievements of WCP2018 (Kyoto) to IUPHAR activities. He worked, in collaboration with IUPHAR’s multifaceted activities, to promote new directions in pharmacology developed at WCP2018. As a core member of NC-IUPHAR, he continued to contribute to NC-IUPHAR activities. In addition, he contributed to pharmacological cooperation in the Asian region through collaboration with APFP (Asia Pacific Federation of Pharmacologists), regional pharmacological societies, and the Science Council of Japan.
Prof. Guanhua Du
IUPHAR Councilor (2018-2022)
- As a councilor of IUPHAR Executive Committee, I took part in the monthly meetings, fully engaged in its discussions.
- As the Vice-chair of the Section on the Pharmacology of Natural Products (SPNP), I actively participated in the section activities, such as the working meetings (on-site and online), and the academic symposia. I took part in the organization of the 5th IUPHAR World Conference on the Pharmacology of Natural Products with my SPNP colleagues and gave a plenary lecture. I was also one of the initiators of the International Forum for Early Career Researchers on Pharmacology of Natural Products and Traditional Medicines, and chaired the first one in Feb., 2022.
- As one of the Officers of Chinese Pharmacological Society (CNPHARS), I made great efforts to promote the collaborations with IUPHAR. We co-organized the Webinar of Clinical Research on Anti-COVID-19 Drugs in Apr., 2020. The Cooperation Agreement on the pharmacology of natural products and traditional medicines between IUPHAR and CNPHARS has been confirmed after years of negotiations, and will be signed soon.
- To promote the development of evidence-based pharmacology on natural products and traditional medicines via various formats, such as the collaboration on database establishment, and regional education and training programs.
- I strongly suggest to improve the geographic representation of IUPHAR Executive Committee. I think the voice from Asia, Africa, and Latin America should be enhanced.
Emilio Clementi
IUPHAR Councilor (2018-2022)
I was coopted as member of the IUPHAR Executive Committee in August 2018, taking an active part in the monthly meetings and participated actively to the discussions. In my role as Editor in Chief of Pharmacological Research I have collaborated in promoting the agreement between IUPHAR and Elsevier to make of Pharmacological Research an affiliated journal to IUPHAR. I am convinced that this journal will increase the outreach of IUPHAR and contribute to foster its activity to promote pharmacological sciences both in the clinical and basic science areas. I have also contributed to put the basis for a more engaging collaboration of the Italian Society of Pharmacology with IUPHAR in the area of natural products, helping also to establish a IUPHAR Mediterranean group of natural products.
IUPHAR Publications
Pharmacological Reviews
IJzerman AP, Jacobson KA, Muller CE, Cronstein BN, Cunha RA | 2022 | International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. CXII: Adenosine Receptors: A Further Update | Pharmacol Rev 74: 340-372 | PM:35302044 |
Barnes NM, Ahern GP, Becamel C, Bockaert J, Camilleri M, Chaumont-Dubel S, Claeysen S, Cunningham KA, Fone KC, Gershon M, Di Giovanni G, Goodfellow NM, Halberstadt AL, Hartley RM, Hassaine G, Herrick-Davis K, Hovius R, Lacivita E, Lambe EK, Leopoldo M, Levy FO, Lummis SCR, Marin P, Maroteaux L, McCreary AC, Nelson DL, Neumaier JF, Newman-Tancredi A, Nury H, Roberts A, Roth BL, Roumier A, Sanger GJ, Teitler M, Sharp T, Villalon CM, Vogel H, Watts SW, Hoyer D | 2021 | International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. CX. Classification of Receptors for 5-hydroxytryptamine; Pharmacology and Function | Pharmacol Rev 73: 310-520 | PM:33370241 |
Gregory KJ, Goudet C | 2021 | International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. CXI. Pharmacology, Signaling, and Physiology of Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors | Pharmacol Rev 73: 521-569 | PM:33361406 |
Leach K, Hannan FM, Josephs TM, Keller AN, Moller TC, Ward DT, Kallay E, Mason RS, Thakker RV, Riccardi D, Conigrave AD, Brauner-Osborne H | 2020 | International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. CVIII. Calcium-Sensing Receptor Nomenclature, Pharmacology, and Function | Pharmacol Rev 72: 558-604 | PM:32467152 |
Norel X, Sugimoto Y, Ozen G, Abdelazeem H, Amgoud Y, Bouhadoun A, Bassiouni W, Goepp M, Mani S, Manikpurage HD, Senbel A, Longrois D, Heinemann A, Yao C, Clapp LH | 2020 | International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. CIX. Differences and Similarities between Human and Rodent Prostaglandin E2 Receptors (EP1-4) and Prostacyclin Receptor (IP): Specific Roles in Pathophysiologic Conditions | Pharmacol Rev 72: 910-968 | PM:32962984 |
Read C, Nyimanu D, Williams TL, Huggins DJ, Sulentic P, Macrae RGC, Yang P, Glen RC, Maguire JJ, Davenport AP | 2019 | International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. CVII. Structure and Pharmacology of the Apelin Receptor with a Recommendation that Elabela/Toddler Is a Second Endogenous Peptide Ligand | Pharmacol Rev 71: 467-502 | PM:31492821 |
Caraci F, Calabrese F, Molteni R, Bartova L, Dold M, Leggio GM, Fabbri C, Mendlewicz J, Racagni G, Kasper S, Riva MA, Drago F | 2018 | International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology CIV: The Neurobiology of Treatment-resistant Depression: From Antidepressant Classifications to Novel Pharmacological Targets | Pharmacol Rev 70: 475-504 | PM:29884653 |
Gunther T, Tulipano G, Dournaud P, Bousquet C, Csaba Z, Kreienkamp HJ, Lupp A, Korbonits M, Castano JP, Wester HJ, Culler M, Melmed S, Schulz S | 2018 | International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. CV. Somatostatin Receptors: Structure, Function, Ligands, and New Nomenclature | Pharmacol Rev 70: 763-835 | PM:30232095 |
Kennedy AJ, Davenport AP | 2018 | International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology CIII: Chemerin Receptors CMKLR1 (Chemerin1) and GPR1 (Chemerin2) Nomenclature, Pharmacology, and Function | Pharmacol Rev 70: 174-196 | PM:29279348 |
Sieghart W, Savic MM | 2018 | International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. CVI: GABAA Receptor Subtype- and Function-selective Ligands: Key Issues in Translation to Humans | Pharmacol Rev 70: 836-878 | PM:30275042 |
British Journal of Pharmacology
Connolly CN, Alexander SPH, Davies JA, Spedding M | 2022 | Environmental pharmacology-Dosing the environment: IUPHAR review 36 | Br J Pharmacol | PM:35975296 |
Kolb P, Kenakin T, Alexander SPH, Bermudez M, Bohn LM, Breinholt CS, Bouvier M, Hill SJ, Kostenis E, Martemyanov KA, Neubig RR, Onaran HO, Rajagopal S, Roth BL, Selent J, Shukla AK, Sommer ME, Gloriam DE | 2022 | Community guidelines for GPCR ligand bias: IUPHAR review 32 | Br J Pharmacol 179: 3651-3674 | PM:35106752 |
Qin CX, Norling LV, Vecchio EA, Brennan EP, May LT, Wootten D, Godson C, Perretti M, Ritchie RH | 2022 | Formylpeptide receptor 2: Nomenclature, structure, signalling and translational perspectives: IUPHAR review 35 | Br J Pharmacol | PM:35797341 |
Sharma A, De Blasio M, Ritchie R | 2022 | Current challenges in the treatment of cardiac fibrosis: Recent insights into the sex-specific differences of glucose-lowering therapies on the diabetic heart: IUPHAR Review 33 | Br J Pharmacol | PM:35174479 |
Singh KD, Karnik SS | 2022 | Structural perspectives on the mechanism of signal activation, ligand selectivity and allosteric modulation in angiotensin receptors: IUPHAR Review 34 | Br J Pharmacol 179: 4461-4472 | PM:35318654 |
Illes P, Muller CE, Jacobson KA, Grutter T, Nicke A, Fountain SJ, Kennedy C, Schmalzing G, Jarvis MF, Stojilkovic SS, King BF, Di Virgilio F | 2021 | Update of P2X receptor properties and their pharmacology: IUPHAR Review 30 | Br J Pharmacol 178: 489-514 | PM:33125712 |
Levi-Schaffer F, de Marco A | 2021 | Coronavirus disease 2019 and the revival of passive immunization: Antibody therapy for inhibiting severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 and preventing host cell infection: IUPHAR review: 31 | Br J Pharmacol 178: 3359-3372 | PM:33401333 |
Alexander SPH, Armstrong JF, Davenport AP, Davies JA, Faccenda E, Harding SD, Levi-Schaffer F, Maguire JJ, Pawson AJ, Southan C, Spedding M | 2020 | A rational roadmap for SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 pharmacotherapeutic research and development: IUPHAR Review 29 | Br J Pharmacol 177: 4942-4966 | PM:32358833 |
Jacobson KA, Delicado EG, Gachet C, Kennedy C, von Kugelgen I, Li B, Miras-Portugal MT, Novak I, Schoneberg T, Perez-Sen R, Thor D, Wu B, Yang Z, Muller CE | 2020 | Update of P2Y receptor pharmacology: IUPHAR Review 27 | Br J Pharmacol 177: 2413-2433 | PM:32037507 |
Mariotti FR, Quatrini L, Munari E, Vacca P, Tumino N, Pietra G, Mingari MC, Moretta L | 2020 | Inhibitory checkpoints in human natural killer cells: IUPHAR Review 28 | Br J Pharmacol 177: 2889-2903 | PM:32335915 |
Gada K, Plant LD | 2019 | Two-pore domain potassium channels: emerging targets for novel analgesic drugs: IUPHAR Review 26 | Br J Pharmacol 176: 256-266 | PM:30325008 |
Hay DL, Garelja ML, Poyner DR, Walker CS | 2018 | Update on the pharmacology of calcitonin/CGRP family of peptides: IUPHAR Review 25 | Br J Pharmacol 175: 3-17 | PM:29059473 |
Concise Guides to Pharmacology
Alexander SP, Christopoulos A, Davenport AP, Kelly E, Mathie A, Peters JA, Veale EL, Armstrong JF, Faccenda E, Harding SD, Pawson AJ, Southan C, Davies JA, Abbracchio MP, Alexander W, Al-Hosaini K, Back M, Barnes NM, Bathgate R, Beaulieu JM, Bernstein KE, Bettler B, Birdsall NJM, Blaho V, Boulay F, Bousquet C, Brauner-Osborne H, Burnstock G, Calo G, Castano JP, Catt KJ, Ceruti S, Chazot P, Chiang N, Chini B, Chun J, Cianciulli A, Civelli O, Clapp LH, Couture R, Csaba Z, Dahlgren C, Dent G, Singh KD, Douglas SD, Dournaud P, Eguchi S, Escher E, Filardo EJ, Fong T, Fumagalli M, Gainetdinov RR, Gasparo M, Gerard C, Gershengorn M, Gobeil F, Goodfriend TL, Goudet C, Gregory KJ, Gundlach AL, Hamann J, Hanson J, Hauger RL, Hay DL, Heinemann A, Hollenberg MD, Holliday ND, Horiuchi M, Hoyer D, Hunyady L, Husain A, AP IJ, Inagami T, Jacobson KA, Jensen RT, Jockers R, Jonnalagadda D, Karnik S, Kaupmann K, Kemp J, Kennedy C, Kihara Y, Kitazawa T, Kozielewicz P, Kreienkamp HJ, Kukkonen JP, Langenhan T, Leach K, Lecca D, Lee JD, Leeman SE, Leprince J, Li XX, Williams TL, Lolait SJ, Lupp A, Macrae R, Maguire J, Mazella J, McArdle CA, Melmed S, Michel MC, Miller LJ, Mitolo V, Mouillac B, Muller CE, Murphy P, Nahon JL, Ngo T, Norel X, Nyimanu D, O’Carroll AM, Offermanns S, Panaro MA, Parmentier M, Pertwee RG, Pin JP, Prossnitz ER, Quinn M, Ramachandran R, Ray M, Reinscheid RK, Rondard P, Rovati GE, Ruzza C, Sanger GJ, Schoneberg T, Schulte G, Schulz S, Segaloff DL, Serhan CN, Stoddart LA, Sugimoto Y, Summers R, Tan VP, Thal D, Thomas WW, Timmermans P, Tirupula K, Tulipano G, Unal H, Unger T, Valant C, Vanderheyden P, Vaudry D, Vaudry H, Vilardaga JP, Walker CS, Wang JM, Ward DT, Wester HJ, Willars GB, Woodruff TM, Yao C, Ye RD | 2021 | THE CONCISE GUIDE TO PHARMACOLOGY 2021/22: G protein-coupled receptors | Br J Pharmacol 178 Suppl 1: S27-S156 | PM:34529832 |
Alexander SP, Cidlowski JA, Kelly E, Mathie A, Peters JA, Veale EL, Armstrong JF, Faccenda E, Harding SD, Pawson AJ, Southan C, Davies JA, Coons L, Fuller PJ, Korach KS, Young MJ | 2021 | THE CONCISE GUIDE TO PHARMACOLOGY 2021/22: Nuclear hormone receptors | Br J Pharmacol 178 Suppl 1: S246-S263 | PM:34529827 |
Alexander SP, Fabbro D, Kelly E, Mathie A, Peters JA, Veale EL, Armstrong JF, Faccenda E, Harding SD, Pawson AJ, Southan C, Davies JA, Beuve A, Brouckaert P, Bryant C, Burnett JC, Farndale RW, Friebe A, Garthwaite J, Hobbs AJ, Jarvis GE, Kuhn M, MacEwan D, Monie TP, Papapetropoulos A, Potter LR, Schmidt H, Szabo C, Waldman SA | 2021 | THE CONCISE GUIDE TO PHARMACOLOGY 2021/22: Catalytic receptors | Br J Pharmacol 178 Suppl 1: S264-S312 | PM:34529829 |
Alexander SP, Fabbro D, Kelly E, Mathie A, Peters JA, Veale EL, Armstrong JF, Faccenda E, Harding SD, Pawson AJ, Southan C, Davies JA, Boison D, Burns KE, Dessauer C, Gertsch J, Helsby NA, Izzo AA, Koesling D, Ostrom R, Pyne NJ, Pyne S, Russwurm M, Seifert R, Stasch JP, van der Stelt M, van der Vliet A, Watts V, Wong SS | 2021 | THE CONCISE GUIDE TO PHARMACOLOGY 2021/22: Enzymes | Br J Pharmacol 178 Suppl 1: S313-S411 | PM:34529828 |
Alexander SP, Kelly E, Mathie A, Peters JA, Veale EL, Armstrong JF, Faccenda E, Harding SD, Pawson AJ, Southan C, Buneman OP, Cidlowski JA, Christopoulos A, Davenport AP, Fabbro D, Spedding M, Striessnig J, Davies JA, Ahlers-Dannen KE, Alqinyah M, Arumugam TV, Bodle C, Dagner JB, Chakravarti B, Choudhuri SP, Druey KM, Fisher RA, Gerber KJ, Hepler JR, Hooks SB, Kantheti HS, Karaj B, Layeghi-Ghalehsoukhteh S, Lee JK, Luo Z, Martemyanov K, Mascarenhas LD, McNabb H, Montanez-Miranda C, Ogujiofor O, Phan H, Roman DL, Shaw V, Sjogren B, Sobey C, Spicer MM, Squires KE, Sutton L, Wendimu M, Wilkie T, Xie K, Zhang Q, Zolghadri Y | 2021 | THE CONCISE GUIDE TO PHARMACOLOGY 2021/22: Introduction and Other Protein Targets | Br J Pharmacol 178 Suppl 1: S1-S26 | PM:34529830 |
Alexander SP, Kelly E, Mathie A, Peters JA, Veale EL, Armstrong JF, Faccenda E, Harding SD, Pawson AJ, Southan C, Davies JA, Amarosi L, Anderson CMH, Beart PM, Broer S, Dawson PA, Hagenbuch B, Hammond JR, Inui KI, Kanai Y, Kemp S, Stewart G, Thwaites DT, Verri T | 2021 | THE CONCISE GUIDE TO PHARMACOLOGY 2021/22: Transporters | Br J Pharmacol 178 Suppl 1: S412-S513 | PM:34529826 |
Alexander SP, Mathie A, Peters JA, Veale EL, Striessnig J, Kelly E, Armstrong JF, Faccenda E, Harding SD, Pawson AJ, Southan C, Davies JA, Aldrich RW, Attali B, Baggetta AM, Becirovic E, Biel M, Bill RM, Catterall WA, Conner AC, Davies P, Delling M, Virgilio FD, Falzoni S, Fenske S, George C, Goldstein SAN, Grissmer S, Ha K, Hammelmann V, Hanukoglu I, Jarvis M, Jensen AA, Kaczmarek LK, Kellenberger S, Kennedy C, King B, Kitchen P, Lynch JW, Perez-Reyes E, Plant LD, Rash L, Ren D, Salman MM, Sivilotti LG, Smart TG, Snutch TP, Tian J, Trimmer JS, Van den Eynde C, Vriens J, Wei AD, Winn BT, Wulff H, Xu H, Yue L, Zhang X, Zhu M | 2021 | THE CONCISE GUIDE TO PHARMACOLOGY 2021/22: Ion channels | Br J Pharmacol 178 Suppl 1: S157-S245 | PM:34529831 |
Alexander SPH, Christopoulos A, Davenport AP, Kelly E, Mathie A, Peters JA, Veale EL, Armstrong JF, Faccenda E, Harding SD, Pawson AJ, Sharman JL, Southan C, Davies JA, Collaborators C | 2019 | THE CONCISE GUIDE TO PHARMACOLOGY 2019/20: G protein-coupled receptors | Br J Pharmacol 176 Suppl 1: S21-S141 | PM:31710717 |
Alexander SPH, Cidlowski JA, Kelly E, Mathie A, Peters JA, Veale EL, Armstrong JF, Faccenda E, Harding SD, Pawson AJ, Sharman JL, Southan C, Davies JA, Collaborators C | 2019 | THE CONCISE GUIDE TO PHARMACOLOGY 2019/20: Nuclear hormone receptors | Br J Pharmacol 176 Suppl 1: S229-S246 | PM:31710718 |
Alexander SPH, Fabbro D, Kelly E, Mathie A, Peters JA, Veale EL, Armstrong JF, Faccenda E, Harding SD, Pawson AJ, Sharman JL, Southan C, Davies JA, Collaborators C | 2019 | THE CONCISE GUIDE TO PHARMACOLOGY 2019/20: Catalytic receptors | Br J Pharmacol 176 Suppl 1: S247-S296 | PM:31710716 |
Alexander SPH, Fabbro D, Kelly E, Mathie A, Peters JA, Veale EL, Armstrong JF, Faccenda E, Harding SD, Pawson AJ, Sharman JL, Southan C, Davies JA, Collaborators C | 2019 | THE CONCISE GUIDE TO PHARMACOLOGY 2019/20: Enzymes | Br J Pharmacol 176 Suppl 1: S297-S396 | PM:31710714 |
Alexander SPH, Kelly E, Mathie A, Peters JA, Veale EL, Armstrong JF, Faccenda E, Harding SD, Pawson AJ, Sharman JL, Southan C, Buneman OP, Cidlowski JA, Christopoulos A, Davenport AP, Fabbro D, Spedding M, Striessnig J, Davies JA, Collaborators C | 2019 | THE CONCISE GUIDE TO PHARMACOLOGY 2019/20: Introduction and Other Protein Targets | Br J Pharmacol 176 Suppl 1: S1-S20 | PM:31710719 |
Alexander SPH, Kelly E, Mathie A, Peters JA, Veale EL, Armstrong JF, Faccenda E, Harding SD, Pawson AJ, Sharman JL, Southan C, Davies JA, Collaborators C | 2019 | THE CONCISE GUIDE TO PHARMACOLOGY 2019/20: Transporters | Br J Pharmacol 176 Suppl 1: S397-S493 | PM:31710713 |
Alexander SPH, Mathie A, Peters JA, Veale EL, Striessnig J, Kelly E, Armstrong JF, Faccenda E, Harding SD, Pawson AJ, Sharman JL, Southan C, Davies JA, Collaborators C | 2019 | THE CONCISE GUIDE TO PHARMACOLOGY 2019/20: Ion channels | Br J Pharmacol 176 Suppl 1: S142-S228 | PM:31710715 |
Other Articles
Harding SD, Armstrong JF, Faccenda E, Southan C, Alexander SPH, Davenport AP, Pawson AJ, Spedding M, Davies JA, Nc I | 2022 | The IUPHAR/BPS guide to PHARMACOLOGY in 2022: curating pharmacology for COVID-19, malaria and antibacterials | Nucleic Acids Res 50: D1282-D1294 | PM:34718737 |
Wainwright CL, Teixeira MM, Adelson DL, Buenz EJ, David B, Glaser KB, Harata-Lee Y, Howes MR, Izzo AA, Maffia P, Mayer AM, Mazars C, Newman DJ, Nic Lughadha E, Pimenta AM, Parra JA, Qu Z, Shen H, Spedding M, Wolfender JL | 2022 | Future directions for the discovery of natural product-derived immunomodulating drugs: an IUPHAR positional review | Pharmacol Res 177: 106076 | PM:35074524 |
Armstrong JF, Faccenda E, Harding SD, Pawson AJ, Southan C, Sharman JL, Campo B, Cavanagh DR, Alexander SPH, Davenport AP, Spedding M, Davies JA, Nc I | 2020 | The IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY in 2020: extending immunopharmacology content and introducing the IUPHAR/MMV Guide to MALARIA PHARMACOLOGY | Nucleic Acids Res 48: D1006-D1021 | PM:31691834 |
Harding SD, Faccenda E, Southan C, Pawson AJ, Maffia P, Alexander SPH, Davenport AP, Fabbro D, Levi-Schaffer F, Spedding M, Davies JA | 2020 | The IUPHAR Guide to Immunopharmacology: connecting immunology and pharmacology | Immunology 160: 10-23 | PM:32020584 |
Hoffmann M, Vander Stichele R, Bates DW, Bjorklund J, Alexander S, Andersson ML, Auraaen A, Bennie M, Dahl ML, Eiermann B, Hackl W, Hammar T, Hjemdahl P, Koch S, Kunnamo I, Le Louet H, Panagiotis P, Rago L, Spedding M, Seidling HM, Demner-Fushman D, Gustafsson LL | 2020 | Guiding principles for the use of knowledge bases and real-world data in clinical decision support systems: report by an international expert workshop at Karolinska Institutet | Expert Rev Clin Pharmacol 13: 925-934 | PM:32990065 |
Milling S, Spedding M, Maffia P | 2020 | Guide to Immunopharmacology: a database to boost immunology education, research and therapy | Immunology 160: 1-2 | PM:32297319 |
Faccenda E, Maxwell S, Szarek JL | 2019 | The IUPHAR Pharmacology Education Project | Clin Pharmacol Ther 105: 45-48 | PM:30588614 |
Kashyap M, Thuermann P, Le Couteur DG, Abernethy DR, Hilmer SN | 2019 | IUPHAR International geriatric clinical pharmacology curriculum for medical students | Pharmacol Res 141: 611-615 | PM:30660820 |
Spedding M, Barrett J, Morgan ET, Vore M, Geraghty D, Kirkpatrick C, Cascorbi I | 2019 | Plan S: A threat to quality of science? | Science 363: 462 | PM:30705177 |
Harding SD, Faccenda E, Southan C, Maffia P, Davies JA | 2018 | A new guide to immunopharmacology | Nat Rev Immunol 18: 729 | PM:30327546 |
Harding SD, Sharman JL, Faccenda E, Southan C, Pawson AJ, Ireland S, Gray AJG, Bruce L, Alexander SPH, Anderton S, Bryant C, Davenport AP, Doerig C, Fabbro D, Levi-Schaffer F, Spedding M, Davies JA, Nc I | 2018 | The IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY in 2018: updates and expansion to encompass the new guide to IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY | Nucleic Acids Res 46: D1091-D1106 | PM:29149325 |
Sharman JL, Harding SD, Southan C, Faccenda E, Pawson AJ, Davies JA, Nc I | 2018 | Accessing Expert-Curated Pharmacological Data in the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY | Curr Protoc Bioinformatics 61: 1 34 1-1 34 46 | PM:30040201 |
Southan C, Sharman JL, Faccenda E, Pawson AJ, Harding SD, Davies JA | 2018 | Challenges of Connecting Chemistry to Pharmacology: Perspectives from Curating the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY | ACS Omega 3: 8408-8420 | PM:30087946 |
Immuphar Publications
- “Immunopharmacology and Inflammation” published by Springer, edited by Section members C. Riccardi, F. Levi-Schaffer, E. Tiligada, 2018.
- Tavares LP, Peh HY, Tan WSD, Pahima H, Maffia P, Tiligada E, Levi-Schaffer F. Granulocyte-targeted therapies for airway diseases. Pharmacol Res. 2020 Jul;157:104881. doi: 10.1016/j.phrs.2020.104881 (Review). (Young Investigators Committee (YIC) of ImmuPhar Section)
- Morimoto A, Kikuta J, Ishii M. Intravital multiphoton microscopy as a novel tool in the field of Immunopharmacology. Pharmacol Ther. 2020 206:10729. doi: 10.1016/j.pharmthera.2019.107429. (Review). (ImmuPhar Section acknowledged)
- Harding SD, Faccenda E, Southan C, Pawson AJ, Maffia P, Alexander SPH, Davenport AP, Fabbro D, Levi-Schaffer F, Spedding M, Davies JA. (2020). The IUPHAR guide to immunopharmacology: connecting immunology and pharmacology. Immunology. 2020 May;160(1):10-23. doi: 10.1111/imm.13175. (Review). (ImmuPhar Section contributed to review)
- Alexander SPH, Armstrong JF, Davenport AP, Davies JA, Faccenda E, Harding SD, Levi-Schaffer F, Maguire JJ, Pawson AJ, Southan C, Spedding M. A rational roadmap for SARS-CoV/COVID-19 pharmacotherapeutic research and development: IUPHAR Review 29. Br J Pharmacol. 2020. 177(21):4942-4966. doi: 10.1111/bph.15094. (Review). (ImmuPhar Section contributed to review)
- Levi-Schaffer F, de Marco A. COVID-19 and the revival of passive immunization: Antibody therapy for inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 and preventing host cell infection: IUPHAR review: 31. Br J Pharmacol. 2021 Jan 5 doi: 10.1111/bph.15359.
- Spedding, M., Levi-Schaffer F. The impact of COVID-19 on research, vaccines and drugs: a key role for pharmacology. August 2021 issue of Pharmacology Today
- Wainwright CL, Teixeira MM, Adelson DL, Buenz EJ, David B, Glaser KB, Harata-Lee Y, Howes MR, Izzo AA, Maffia P, Mayer AM, Mazars C, Newman DJ, Nic Lughadha E, Pimenta AM, Parra JA, Qu Z, Shen H, Spedding M, Wolfender JL. Future directions for the discovery of natural product-derived immunomodulating drugs: An IUPHAR positional review. Pharmacol Res. 2022. 177:106076. doi: 10.1016/j.phrs.2022.106076. (ImmuPhar Section contributed)
- Comprehensive Pharmacology. vol. 5. (Tiligada, K., Ed. Immunopharmacology/Musculoskeletal System Pharmacology, Kenakin, T., Ed-in-Chief), Elsevier Inc., 304-320. ISBN: 978-0-12-820876-2. (ImmuPhar acknowledged and ImmuPhar members conributed)