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The Immunopharmacology Committee

The Immunopharmacology Committee

What We Do

We are a group of scientists and clinicians working in universities and industry who are interested in the interrelationships between the disciplines of pharmacology and immunology. The aim of the Committee is to encourage the organization of international cooperation in immunopharmacology by:


      • Stimulating research in basic and clinical immunopharmacology worldwide
      • Promoting high scientific and ethical standards in research into related medicines and therapeutics
      • Promoting related scientific meetings, workshops, and courses in different parts of the world
      • Improving and harmonizing the teaching of immunopharmacology
      • Promoting the utilization of immunopharmacological agents in health care delivery, particularly in developing countries
      • Utilizing skills of clinical immunopharmacology in evaluating patients experiencing adverse drug reactions
      • Encouraging collaboration with other agencies and organizations interested in the study, development, and rational use of immunopharmacological agents
      • Exchanging and disseminating of information on the safety and pharmacovigilance of immunopharmacological-related medicines and therapeutics
      • Fostering cooperative efforts among educational, research, clinical, industrial, and governmental personnel engaged in activities relevant to the translational research in immunopharmacology
      • Working with industry to advance the field of immunopharmacology
      • To identify other professional bodies national and international willing to promote the field of immunopharmacology.

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