Welcome to the Drug Metabolism and Drug Transport Section homepage. Please use the above links to find out more about our section, including details of our current committee, recent activities and future meetings.
The aims and functions of the Drug Metabolism and Drug Transport Section (dmdt@iuphar.org), specified in its Constitution, are to:
- encourage international co-operation among pharmacologists and other scientists interested in the metabolism and physiological disposition of drugs and environmental chemicals;
- sponsor international symposia, workshops and collaborative research in the area of drug metabolism;
- promote the use of innovative concepts and methodology in the area of drug metabolism;
- encourage collaboration and communication with other regional and international organizations interested in furthering the development of the field of drug metabolism;
- promote symposia, workshops and other teaching programmes in developing countries, and to encourage the exchange of fellows and visiting lecturers between these and other countries;
- encourage scientists from developing countries to train in laboratories of leading investigators in other countries.