IUPHAR consists of member societies, one division, seven sections and three standing committees:
Societies in pharmacology or the related disciplines may join IUPHAR as Full Members, Associate Members or Benefactors. To learn more about joining IUPHAR, please contact the Administrative Office. Although IUPHAR does not extend formal membership to individuals, we encourage you to join one or more of the many IUPHAR member societies. Volunteers and followers are welcomed in the many IUPHAR groups and initiatives. Visit the below links for more information.
Division of Clinical Pharmacology
The Clinical Pharmacology Division represents the interests of clinical pharmacologists as well as the translational aspects of pharmacology. It oversees the interactions between IUPHAR and the World Health Organization and between IUPHAR and the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences. The Division currently has three subcommittees:
Clinical Pharmacology in Developing Countries
Geriatric Clinical Pharmacology
Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance
Sections of specific areas within pharmacology are formed and retired by the Executive Committee in response to demands by the discipline. The sections provide opportunities for scientists with a common research interest to interact and share ideas with each other as well as organize meetings and symposia to disseminate beneficial information. IUPHAR currently has seven sections:
Section on Drug Metabolism and Drug Transport
Section on Education
Section on Gastrointestinal Pharmacology
Section on Immunopharmacology
Section on Natural Products Pharmacology
Section on Pediatric Clinical Pharmacology
Section on Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics
The Nomenclature and Standards Committee of IUPHAR (NC-IUPHAR) issues guidelines for classification of the major receptor and ion channel systems, facilitates the interface between discovery of new sequences from the Human Genome Project and the designation of the derived protein as functional receptors, ion channels, and poly morphisms, and oversees the scientific contents of the on-line, free Receptors Database, which is a major constituent of the GUIDE TO PHARMACOLOGY.
The Nominating Committee is responsible for soliciting from the member societies the names of individuals nominated to serve on the next Executive Committee. This committee makes its recommendations to the Council during the General Assembly.
The Membership Committee coordinates and reviews all membership applications from societies that wish to join IUPHAR and forwards its recommendations to the Executive Committee for approval.
How to get involved
Volunteers are always welcomed on the many IUPHAR initiatives, committees, division and sections/subcommittees. For general information, click on one of the above links to a specific group in which you have an interest, then click on the “How to Join” link. Or register with MyIUPHAR by clicking on the Members tab in the upper right corner of this webpage. For specific information, contact the IUPHAR Administrative Office to inquire about the current volunteer opportunities in your area of expertise or interest.